Cooper, Hope, Tiff & Lu
When we met decades ago, Russ thought that he did not like Valentine’s Day. He was, as is very infrequently true, wrong.
“Did you like Valentine’s Day when you were 8?” I asked. (He did.)
To convince Russ to celebrate ALL the minor holidays with me, including this, The Potentially Most Depressing and Disappointing of Holidays, we lean towards celebrating like we did when we were kids. You cannot go wrong celebrating like a third grader on a sugar high.
New Year Eve is pizza and pop and staying up late. To this day, our parents’ friends and their kids - our fellow confetti makers - are my own family. I love you all so much.
Saint Patrick’s Day is wearing green and pinching non-celebrators.
My first grade teacher Miss Johnson had to pass out green stickers on Saint Patrick’s Day half way through the morning because half the class was pinching our friends. Hard. And the other half was crying. I base my entire celebration every year on this memory.
May Day is…well, you work with me right? I got you :)
Valentine’s Day is good food and red and pink and hand drawn hearts. This year the holiday totally upped its game.
This year, Valentine’s was accidentally being in Loveland Colorado at the beginning of February.
Can you imagine?? We were just looking for a grocery store! And just look what we found!
The Thompson Valley Rotary Club of Loveland Colorado paints FOUR HUNDRED personalized hearts every year.
For $70 you can have volunteers paint a message to your loved ones and display it on a street post for the month. I love this so much!!
I love my OniKitty
Here are some of my favorite Valentines displayed in Loveland Colorado. The pet ones. The gay ones. The brave ones and the sappy ones.
Love Wins! True story.
If you do not see yours, it is almost certainly because the photo turned out as a red blur as we sped down the highway (different driver and photographer of course).
The hearts were on all along the major streets of Loveland Colorado!
I loved tripping into this fun project so much, and I hope you love it too. I hope it cheers you today if you need cheering.
Our love is FUR ever :)
If we are, as they say, at most, six degrees from Kevin Bacon (the actor, not the pig who lives in midtown Omaha), surely a friend of a friend can tell us if Brianne said yes? And if there was a second date??
Happy Valentine’s Day Friends. Remember today and always that you are so loved.
Dougie thinks you are special, and he loves you very much.