Thank you Pug Partners for including us. And THANK YOU for saving ALL the Pugs.
Here are some of my favorite Valentines displayed in Loveland Colorado. The pet ones. The gay ones. The brave ones and the sappy ones.
Every time I have written out a protocol recently, I have thought, “This would go faster with a stamp.”
I am loving being immersed once again in canine dentistry.
“I can’t stop seeing cats as patients,” I told my allergist. I knew he would sympathize, and he did.
I have avoided enucleation surgery my entire career. Until now.
Book your puppies and dogs with Abby Finch at the Petsmart Grooming Salon at 72nd near Dodge in Omaha - 402-393-3225
I hope you had a wonderful holiday season and are having an amazing 2025 so far.
Abby is available to groom your dogs!
Things will get more bearable soon sweet boy.
Periwinkle Pug left us as suddenly three weeks ago as she showed up two years ago.
Our kids’ generation - though it still can be awfully rough and there is so much progress yet to be made - have such a hopeful future paved.
I want to tell you about a time some of my favorite clients did one of the kindest things anyone has ever done for me. Also, I want to show you The Best and Most Photogenic Dog in the World.
Well, this is not so much the story of the neuter surgery of Jesse the Grandkitten as cute photos from that day.
A week ago I interrupted Dr. Grant and her team during A Very Important Surgery because I was absolutely at the end of what I knew how to do.
I was spending about 1 ½ hours a day reviewing patient histories before each day started and 2-3 hours finishing records at the end of every day. I felt like I was sleeping and working. Wait - I mean I was sleeping and working.
“Dr. Grant, when you have time, will you help me please??” Dr. Grant stopped right then (thank you!!) and when I explained my struggles said “Stop writing everything down.”
“You will continue to struggle. You are handling every case at least twice. I’ve been where you are, and it is not sustainable. Stop writing everything down.”
We had both come from slower paced hospitals before Westgate Animal Clinic. I loved the pace before at other practices, but I love this pace too. More even. I love being busy and getting to help more families than ever each day. I did not want to crash and burn right as I walked into this incredible practice.
Before I could object, I heard Pastor Scott say clear as day, “Once you start saying ‘This is the way we have always done it,’ you are already in trouble.” (Thank you Pastor Scott! I WAS listening! Always.)
So I didn’t say that. I put my pen in my pocket and my paper away and nervous as heck, started to wing it.
It is scary hard! I have already introduced myself to three clients I had already met. I have almost called a girl dog a boy dog. But you know what? I am thriving.
I always said I couldn’t think on my feet well. I can! I know how to interact with people and pets in an exam room - better than I was ever giving myself credit for. I know how to think critically.
The technicians and assistants I work with are super badass and are helping me SO much to prepare thoroughly for each patient in real time and finish notes after. Which, honestly, is better medicine than I was practicing.
Thank you Dr. Grant! Thank you awesome team. I appreciate you all so much.
My brother Dave asked what I am doing with my four reclaimed hours a day. I am spending time with family and friends. I am watching silly TV. I am doing Sudoku and planning our garden. I am writing and doodling and sticking stickers on things. I have down time again, and everything is so much better.
Now to get just a few more helpers started around here. It is ridiculously busy and very fun - great medicine and such a supportive atmosphere. We need you. But now…now I feel like I can survive till you get here.
Early this year I was asked to help lead the Omaha chapter of The Street Dog Coalition. This time the timing was perfect and I said YES.
The Nebraska Academy of Veterinary Medicine (NAVM) is responsible for much of the amazing continuing education available for veterinarians and veterinary technicians in the area.
Two weeks ago, Bennet stopped me near the end of the day to tell me Blue and Russ were bringing Dougie in with a hurt foot.
February 2024 was Pug Partners of Nebraska’s annual fundraising dinner Curly Tails and Cocktails. We had so much fun!
Every issue we have in the veterinary profession, locally and globally, can be solved with kindness.
I do not think it is more nuanced than that. I do not think some of our issues are too complex to be solved with kindness. I do not think there are exceptions. I do not think it is possible to solve anything with a different approach or that some people need a heavier hand or a less kind environment to do their job well and thrive and succeed professionally.
We found the drawer with all the Secret Penguin stickers you all! And this one - I love it.
And though I am holding up kindness as THE solution to well…everything…I do think that manifests differently in all sorts of situations. And I do realize some things are not solvable or do not have an easy fix. And that issues truly are complex and nuanced. I do think kindness needs to be the base from which we start. I would love to get your take on this.
Is kindness THE answer or part of the answer to the issues we face in veterinary medicine? Issues including team satisfaction and retention, talented and passionate people leaving the field, our mental health struggles, our dismally high suicide rates and substance abuse issues, conflict resolution - all of it.
Not all of it fixable, not all of it straight-forward or directly caused by unkindness by any means. But I do think kindness needs to be the base from which we approach all of it. Not all of it unique to our field, but we do have specific challenges, don’t you think?
On a spectrum of can’t hurt-might help to kindness being the solution to everything, where do you fall? Worth a try though right?
Bill and Felix
And YOU - you are the best of the best. Keep doing exactly what you are doing. Your kindness - to those on teams with you and to clients and patients and colleagues - is what makes this career so amazing and why I keep coming back. I love this profession - and the people in it - so much.
Oscar oscaring.
Happy New Year. I hope you are overwhelmed by kindness - and dog kisses - at every turn.
Oscar and Felix wishing you a Happy New Year!