His name was Griffin Weiland, and he was gentle, understated, beautiful and extraordinary.
Just the thought of Sarge always lifts my spirits, even all this time after saying good-bye.
We got a new car! Our car is blue!
"If you can’t explain a concept to a ten year old, you don’t understand it." -Emil Biga
God sent Toski the baby Corgi to the family as their first puppy shortly after their wonderful little gerbils passed away.
The day Charlie said “no thank you” to a marshmallow was the day we knew his long, wonderful run was coming to a close.
Charlie loved his marshmallows so much!
Charlie loved his marshmallows so much.
I am proud of my daughters for their strength, resilience, tenacity and problem solving abilities.
I met a client who looks like Brendan Howard.
All four of us ate rice bowls and sushi from Yum Roll. It was all wonderful.
After concern, it is time to solve, starting with taking the next step.
You can get me to do something in one of three ways.
The Passion Planner is a year long planner that helps you set and reach goals.
Now on to other areas of life...
One of my recent New Year’s Resolutions has been to ONLY single-task, and it is HARD!
If you think you are good at multitasking, you are probably just more skilled at switching quickly between projects than other people are, and you would still do better overall if you did not do that.
Sock Monkey Sock presented with right ear injury, does not seem to be painful, no bleeding on presentation, injury appears to be accidental.
Happy Celebration of the Time God Fit His Infinite Self into the Body of a Tiny Baby to Get Our Attention and Say Things He Needed to Say and Do Things He Needed to Do...Day.
No room, no room, you cannot stay.