Joy the Puppy has had a rough past year. She has aged very quickly. In May of 2022, she had her second TPLO - knee surgery - with Dr. Tan and his team at Sirius Veterinary Orthopedic Center.
In November of 2022, Joy fell off our bed and hurt her shoulder pretty badly. With one fully functioning leg, we were convinced it was almost time to say good bye. We even took her to Lake Zorinsky to sit by the lake one last time.
Russ holding Joy at the Finches’ lake
Russ holding Joy at Lake Zorinsky
With the work of the entire family and the Sirius team, Joy’s shoulder did heal. She is back to a fairly healthy old-as-dirt dog, and I cannot get out of the end of life head space I have been in for a while.
And we may be there soon.
But today - today is not that day.
So I decided to write a tribute to our amazing and gorgeous dog while she is still with us, because I really want this to be a happy post.
I say write, but honestly, I have SO many photos, the rest of the post is just that. I mean, how cute are our pets when they are sleeping?? And Joy is no exception. I ALWAYS need another photo!
Ebony, Joy, Noodle and Russ. One of them had a long work day!
All of the photos are again in dog and cat vision EXCEPT the art pieces, which I left the beautiful colors that Abby originally used.
Abby painted Joy and Luna ornaments. I love them so much. The Luna ornament is my Twitter profile picture.
A huge thank you to ALL of you who have helped keep our dog held together and happy. I am so very grateful to you and for you 💜
This was a Christmas present to Russ and me from Abby. I love this portrait of Joy so much.
Joy, Periwinkle and Dougie
Joy, Periwinkle and Dougie
Once upon a time there was a puppy who needed a family…
A sweet client was given Joy by a man who did not have a house or the means to keep his puppy. That client asked if I would help her find a home for this puppy. YES.
Rhonda and Joy on Day 1.
Erika and Joy on Day 1 - still as close as ever!
I took Baby Joy to meet her new Dad at his construction site. It was love at first sight.
Joy was a natural helper from the start!
When we adopted Joy, we had Noodle the Poodle and Ebony Dog who taught Joy to dog. Ebony, you could not have done a more excellent job <3
Ebony taught Joy to dog, and Noodle the Poodle taught Joy to be naughty while still being cute. Great friends all around!
Joy wanted to be EXACTLY like Ebony. She would watch her settle in for the night and mimic every move and turn and fall asleep as close to Ebony as she could be.
Abby and Joy at the Lake
Erika taking Ebony and Noodle on a walk and Baby Joy on a carry
Joy was so shiny as a kid!
Joy with THE Riley and James! Riley is the beautiful Great Dane, and James is the handsome Mastiff.
Every year, we would take Joy and her friends to Nebraska Humane Society’s Walk for the Animals. We took a couple years off for the first time ever. We will be back for the next one Friends!
Joy, Ebony and Noodle at Nebraska Humane Society’s Walk for the Animals
Has Nebraska Humane Society’s Walk for the Animals saved countless pets over the years? Yes. Did Joy do it for the bandana? Also yes.
Joy loved Amanda’s bearded dragon Angus.
Joy and her best friend Frank volunteered at Nebraska Humane Society’s Camp Kindness.
This one time I did dental work on the Horstman family dogs, and Dr. and Mrs. Horstman sent me a huge stack of boxes filled with snacks. One of the nicest gifts I have ever received. Abby and Joy checked everything to make sure it was all yummy, which it was. Great job you two!
Joy at another Walk for the Animals.
Baby Abby and Baby Joy
Big Kid Abby and Big Kid Joy
This is my favorite photo of Joy because it is the perfect example of her empathetic character. This little boy was walking into Crown Center in Kansas City. We were outside the mall. He let go of his Mom’s hand to sit in front of Joy. She pulled to get closer to him and laid down in front of him. I bet he told her 20 minutes worth of stories. He chose the best possible audience. Joy loved every minute of it and did not take her eyes off him till he had to leave.
Joy and Luna were such a fun pair.
Abby won Honorable Mention in the Scholastic Art Contest with this art work. I love it so much.
Joy and Dougie are friends.
Abby, Joy and Baby Lucky
Joy and Lucky have been friends from the start.
Joy insists on driving for every errand and road trip. We only let her drive when we are parked because her feet do not reach the pedals.
Joy and I have visited so many schools over the years! We have both loved every experience. Thank you for having us awesome teachers <3
Another fun school visit.
Little Kid Amanda and Little Kid Joy
Big Kid Amanda and Big Kid Joy
One time Joy and I did a writing project for Chewy. Still one of my favorite pet companies out there!
This photo was for a treat review. Great job Joy!
Joy, Lucky and vet tech Liz. I’ve not yet met any animal who does not love Liz!
This is a photo of Joy with fun effects added. We were at a KC barbecue. We used to go to the dvm360 (now Fetch) conference in Kansas City every year in the Before Times. Still my favorite continuing education meetings. I was on the Veterinary Economics Advisory Board for some years. I loved it. And Joy loved the road trips and fun weeks every year.
…and she lived happily ever after.
(Not yet) the end.