We check Luna's complete blood count before every chemotherapy event to assure her white blood cells are not too low for her little body to handle chemo.
This week when we checked, her white blood cell count was way too HIGH. Dr. Clemens hospitalized her and went searching. Our biggest fear was that her cancer had spread.
Photo update from Luna's awesome medical team!
It turns out Luna has a urinary tract infection, which is very treatable. She stayed overnight at the hospital last night and will come home tomorrow if all continues to go well. We went to see her last night.
Amanda and Luna
Abby and Luna
Abby and Amanda and Luna
Thank you for your prayers! The little goofball continues to hang in there.
Besides the stellar medical care from the doctors and team at VCA Midwest Veterinary Referral and Emergency Center, they have gone above and beyond taking care of Luna and taking care of us. The team let us visit last night and is letting us visit again tonight. They have sent us pictures and texts with updates that have meant the world to all four of us. It is so unnerving to not have Luna here - she is very much a snuggly and in your face dog, and her presence is sorely missed! The sweet updates have taken the edge off for all of us and made this separation bearable.
Photo from one of Luna's nurses, Tasha <3
Next update - hopefully Luna's homecoming! Then...a series of photos by Abby of Joy and Luna in flower crowns.
Have a wonderful weekend!!