I said, “I’m going to hug you, but I need you not to punch me, okay?”
When I first started learning Twitter, I got together with a group of Omaha Twitter people for pizza.
Dr. Jeremy Lipschultz was in that group. I was impressed then, and have been since, by his depth and span of knowledge. I have enjoyed getting to know Jeremy over the past several years.
Last night, with other Omaha veterinary teams, Hannah Miller - one of the awesome receptionists at Gentle Doctor, who may or may not be on a quest to drag me in multiple new social media directions, including Instagram, which, for the record, is not even a word - and I had the privilege of hearing Jeremy speak about social media.
I took notes as fast as I could for almost two hours, so although I know I learned a ton, I do not yet know what all exactly I learned.
Here are some of my notes:
I was able to talk afterwards with Hannah, Dr. Lipschultz, Dr. Van Horn, Dr. Jepsen and Rob from Virbac, who, along with the MWI team, arranged the event AND bought us dinner at Cantina Laredo. I am now a huge fan of that restaurant.
Thank you Rob! Thank you Jeremy! What a fun night.
This year I had to know, what is his story?
Trey: What kind of food do you feed your Sphynx?
When he was three years old, Titus ran up to me during Sunday school with a Hot Wheels car in his hand
After Becky explained exam findings, home care and medication to our final client of the day, a sweet client with a sweet cat, she asked if she had any further questions.
Every day of my senior year of vet school, I would walk into ICU and ask Amy, the veterinary technician in charge of ICU and the blood donors, “Can I adopt Max when I graduate?”
Max started life as a barn kitty near Ames Iowa. He was brought into the Iowa State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital as a blood donor at nine months of age
As a surprise to the rest of us, Becky had Omaha artist Autumn Armstrong paint pictures of our own personal cats.
Thank you family and friends for understanding how very special Max was to Amanda, Abby, Russ and me.
We said goodbye to our dear old cat Max one year ago.
Frank and Joy helped teach that you can be friends with someone who is different than you.
The scariest vet school memory...
If a puppy is excited, he will pee on you.
My friend, vet tech Angela Bucher, asked, “Did you write that dental article?”
Abby on coping with the fear of spiders...
My history of computer issues is one reason I understand how it feels to be at the vet’s with your pet and have to trust someone when you have limited information.
“Where’s the poodle?” can become a panicked question pretty quickly with a dog as old as Noodle.
Amanda and Abby gave Noodle the Poodle a lime slice.