Luna Lovegood - Chapter 13 - In Which We Realize What a Strange Situation We Are In
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Luna’s disease is a complete mind <game>.
She has a rapidly progressing fatal disease and yet feels great. She looks like herself, yet cancer cells are taking over her body and shutting it down. It is such a strange situation to be in - celebrating her “health” while mourning her upcoming demise. I don’t like it, but I like it better than if she already felt sick. I don’t know what to compare it to, except a very accelerated mourning of a pet’s mortality that you always know will eventually catch up with them. It’s like going from having a three year old dog to having a fifteen year old dog, without getting the years in between.
You just keep being healthy there Joy. I know your lymph nodes are normal because I've felt them 87 times since Luna's diagnosis.