A few weeks ago, VCA MidWest Vet hosted the second annual Arbor Veterinary Symposium at Arbor Day Lodge in Nebraska City.
Russ and Abby and I stayed at the Arbor Day Lodge overnight. Amanda stayed home (for the first time! She did great.)
It was - like the first year - a wonderful conference in a beautiful building.
The first day I got to sit with a vet who graduated in 1960 and had some great stories.
The second day I sat at the same (lucky) table and looked up to see Dr. Clemans and Dr. Cooley! Very fun to see them both.
The speakers - including those two awesome women - were excellent. I had a very fun weekend with you all. Looking forward to next year!
Nebraska City must have had a thing with tree statues like Chicago had with cows and Omaha had with people. This was the prettiest one I saw. It is called "Flowers of Nature" and is privately owned.
This one was pretty too. It was at Arbor Day Farm. The words say, "We live our lives in bits and pieces, random encounters, colors, sounds, and moments. Some reappear in different form, some repeat themselves, some are never to be seen again." The piece is called "Do You See the Forest or the Trees?" by Sue Kalicki.