Mom is doing well. Mom was transferred from the hospital to a beautiful live-in facility that focuses on recovery through nutrition, occupational therapy and physical therapy. From there, Mom will hopefully be heading home within a few weeks. Thank you so very much for your prayers and well wishes and support of Mom.
Mom has made it this far because of you. And because of her incredible medical and support teams, which have included Sara Nelson, my favorite nurse in the world.
And because of Dad. Dad has walked Mom through these health challenges the last several months with more strength than I even knew Dad had.
And because of Mom herself. Mom has shown more determination than I even knew MOM had. And I knew Mom had A LOT of determination!
You know how someone will say something cannot be done, so I do it just out of stubbornness? Yeah, I get that from Mom.
I love you so much Mom. We all do. You've got this.
Dad took this picture of Mom as she checked in this past week. I love it so much. I love the hat even more!