Meeting the elephants was as great as I hoped it would be. When we went yesterday morning, there were only two on display, I think a Mama and her baby.
A zookeeper said the baby is two years old.
They were beautiful and magnificent and seemed to be adjusting well.
After we met the elephants, Russ and I walked through all of the new construction areas. They are building the elephants a huge habitat, and also areas for the other African animals. Big cats, it is finally your turn!
Then we went to see almost all of the other animals.
A very fun day.
Baby Elephant!! She is two years old.
Baby Elephant and Elephant - It was so nice to finally meet you!
Red Ruffed Lemurs Resting and Being Cute
Radiated Tortoise Eating and Being Awesome
Northern Crested Couas Being Beautiful
Lesser Vasa Parrot Enjoying Being Told That We Think He or She is Actually Greater
Powder Blue Reed Frog Looking Otherworldly
Mongoose Lemurs Snuggling
Gorilla Contemplating
Abyssinian Ground Hornbill Hiding from the Sprinkler
Bornean Orangutan Resting After Playing with a Friend
Orangutan - I am not making this up - Spitting on a Paper Towel to Wipe Away a Chalk Drawing - Crazy Smart!
I have never been this close to a lion!
He is so beautiful!
Those paws!
Low Snow Leopard
Hi Snow Leopard!
My Favorite - The Harvest Mice!
Concrete Turtle Stamp Outside the Aquarium
I left this picture of the King Penguin diving into the water even though it is a creepy picture...
Green Sea Turtle
West Coast Sea Nettles
West Coast Sea Nettles
Moon Jellyfish
Japanese Sea Nettle
Pot-Bellied Seahorse
Black Finned Shark
Copperband Butterflyfish
Thanks for looking at ALL the pictures! I can never pick my favorites. I love (almost) everything at the zoo.
Fun fact - Almost all mammals have vision similar to red-green colorblindness like dogs and cats do, so maybe they see each other like we see these pictures!