Saturday March 12, 2016, I spent the afternoon with my friend Dr. Adrienne Kanne at the Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo for a VCA Midwest Vet conference. It was excellent.
I realized the day before that the six elephants who had just arrived in Omaha from Swaziland would be in no mood for visitors, and just as importantly, would be in quarantine and unavailable to be seen by the public.
I think it is a huge statement of support for Drs. Byers, Manishirova, Irwin and Clemans that I showed up anyways.
And they were great.
I would have made the same bold statement in support of Dr. Padrid if I had known how much I would enjoy his talk too. I did, and next time I have the opportunity to hear him speak, I will show up whether or not there will be elephants there, and whether or not I can visit the elephants.
Feline asthma has always been a difficult condition for me to understand. Maybe I was more invested because I am in the beginning of struggling with human asthma, or maybe he just explained it so well, but I feel like asthma is not such a mystery, and may even be compatible with normal life...for cats...and me.
Also I got to be in the same general location as the elephants, which was pretty awesome.
And Dr. Kanne and I visited the harvest mice, which are like regular mice but even smaller and even cuter.
Thank you MidWest Vet team and Dermatology for Animals team and Omaha Zoo for a very good day.