Abby has started keeping track of Joy and Luna's birthdays. Of course both birthdays are guesses, but they are probably more accurate than our previous dogs' birthday guesses, as Joy and Luna were both puppies when we adopted them.
Abby is a fireball when it comes to projects - part of her creative beauty. She can have twenty things in process at once, and no one can keep up with her. But when she focuses in on one turning 8...she becomes single-minded, and there is no stopping her. Which is how we all four - Russ, Abby, Amanda and me - found ourselves at Jones Brothers Cupcakes asking the Cupcake Queen what she would recommend for a dog birthday.
Mr. Jones and the Cupcake Queen were super nice about helping us plan the party!
We decided on creme brulee, birthday cake and vanilla cupcakes.
They were so pretty even in "dog vision"!
Here they are in full color - gorgeous!
And...excellent recommendations! The party was a huge success.
Joy was not crazy excited about her birthday hat...
...until she realized how good she looked.
Just because it's not my birthday, I don't get a hat? *sniff*
Oh c'mon Luna, one picture?
It turned out Luna did not want a birthday hat as much as she thought she did.
The simple solution would be to take Luna's hat off. Abby does not usually go for the simple solution. She turned Luna into a Birthday-Saurus, and she was much happier.
When are our friends getting here?
Are they almost here?
"Are you coming Friend?"
They are almost here!
Yay Alex!
Yes there are gifts and cake Joy, but not in my pocket.
The party got a little crazy.
Just what Joy always wanted!
Let me get a picture of you with your cake...nevermind!
Too good to be true!
Cake smash!
Not a crumb nor nonparelil was left on the floor. Good girl Luna!
Luna wanted to know if Abby was going to eat her cupcake. She did.
Joy was worn out from all the partying!
But she said she had a very nice time.